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Milk + Hershey's Partnership

As summer ends and school starts up again, Milk and Hershey’s Syrup wanted to remind parents and kids how important it is to have quality time after school — with some chocolate milk, a snack, and a good friend (even if that friend is Mom or Dad). We took an omni-channel approach and partnered with Hershey’s, Buzzfeed’s Tasty, as well as other influencers, to give families ideas on how to maximize their hang time.

Key Visuals incorporated authentic moments of connection, a delicious treat and a call to action that worked to inspire more of those extra sweet moments.

Strategic media buys led shoppers to a milk and Hershey’srecipe page, or our content created with TASTY.


While the Hershey’s bottle itself donned the ever coveted coupon for $1 off chocolate syrup and milk, we communicated the partnership throughout the store, with the help of our processors and Hershey’s.
